We help you live a happier life with the ultimate “future you” mindset.

How Did You Learn To Love?

Hi there, December has this way of bringing everything to the surface, doesn't it? Not just the chaos of holiday dinners, but the quiet moments too—when patterns of connection (and disconnection) play out in familiar ways. Meet Marcus. He's 16, lives in a well-kept house

How Did You Learn To Love?
30 posts

fall in love with a person, not an illusion

fall in love with a person, not an illusion

Not your usual love story.

The Bright Side #1

How are you feeling? 🙃 Riding the inevitable waves of life takes courage. When you're not struggling to manifest your next big idea or feeling anxious about a relationship, you may feel there's not enough time to relax and just BE. 💬 In this week's issue:

Gen Z's longevity recipe

Gen Z's longevity recipe

Despite concerns about young people’s supposed fragility, they are proving to be resilient architects of their brighter future. Like those before them, Gen Z (those under 25) face criticism in their youth, yet they are harnessing power and purpose to confront the unprecedented challenges of their day. Zendaya, an

the shorter your sleep, the shorter your life

the shorter your sleep, the shorter your life

Have you ever found yourself in a heated moment, where emotions are raw and nothing you say lands well? And then it sinks in that you stayed up until 1 am the night before and are running on fumes. Guess what? The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life. The

you + Shakespeare + sleep mindset?

you + Shakespeare + sleep mindset?

What wise words of Shakespeare best represent your approach to sleep? Tell us more...

loving action

loving action

The sum of the little things makes the most significant difference in life.

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