Kate Larson

At Practice of Life, we want to accelerate the transition to a healthier society. We want every person to have the opportunity to make choices that allow them to live a long and healthy life.

25 posts

A love note for "L" - communicating your needs

A love note for "L" - communicating your needs

"how I can talk to my mom, do you have any suggestions?"

Wild is Life. I dare you to join me! ????

Wild is Life. I dare you to join me! ????

This video is so infectious and uplifting that is guaranteed to lift your spirits!

kickstart a better mood with music breaks

kickstart a better mood with music breaks

Music is a great way to lift your spirits when you’re feeling down or working through difficult emotions.

Quick question - please respond

Hey there! I’m Kate, the voice behind The Bright Side newsletters. Thank you for hanging out with me in your inbox these past few weeks – it means a lot. I already know some of you, and others, well, we're just getting started! ;) As a nurse, a single

Could your relationships be stronger?

Depp v Heard. A three part series. This highly publicized case was a fierce battleground over the truth about a relationship. A messy and complicated one (which many can be). But it also was a public display, and skewering, of people in pain and conflict. Regardless of motive or the

quiz: your relationship behavior

quiz: your relationship behavior

Ever wished you handled things better in an intimate relationship?

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