Kate Larson

At Practice of Life, we want to accelerate the transition to a healthier society. We want every person to have the opportunity to make choices that allow them to live a long and healthy life.

25 posts

3 Tiny Actions for More Purpose.

3 Tiny Actions for More Purpose.

It's been a beautiful weekend in Vermont

15 seconds. by Lance Pitcher

15 seconds. by Lance Pitcher

I’m a sucker for a movie trailer.  Or maybe, I'm just a sucker.  That's the debate I’m wrestling with, or more accurately, the shame. Yes, it’s shame... but not for my love of movie trailers. I might not watch most of what I

leading with heart.

leading with heart.

Modeling your values is powerful.

"Money stress: how do your emotions and mindset contribute?"

"Money stress: how do your emotions and mindset contribute?"

In moments of personal or global heartbreak, it’s so important to remember our humanity and lean into the connections we share.

Tiny steps towards financial calm

Tiny steps towards financial calm

"Deciding to" rather than "wanting to" change your finances is one of the first steps in shifting your mindset.

The tender and honest things you shared...

Hey there. I want to start by saying thank you. Last week, I asked how I could help and so many of you answered. Beautiful people facing very human challenges. Transformation isn't just about gaining knowledge; it's also about finding community that aligns with your values

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